ASEEDER Introduction

Vision and Values

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About us

CEO Notes

ASEEDER’s mission is to support the personal, social and vocational development of young people. We believe in a broad education that develops skills for learning, life and work.

We are a curriculum development organisation and a regulated awarding body. All of our programmes and qualifications are underpinned by a tried and tested approach to supporting the systematic development of key skills such as teamwork and leadership, problem solving and creative thinking, researching and presenting. Through the development of these skills, our courses instil in young people the resilience, personal effectiveness and wellbeing that are key to their future success.

In the UK, we are looking at how our courses can keep pace with the changes happening at work and in education. We want to make sure that our courses help students apply their knowledge and skills at work, at home, and in their communities. For me, this is the key learning challenge for modern, global life – and I look forward to continuing to work with colleagues at ASEEDER China on it.


Jenny Williams

ASEEDER Introduction 

With a mission to cultivate the next generation of "A-grade Seeds," ASEEDER strives to collaborate with prestigious academic institutions, esteemed scientific associations, and world-renowned universities across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, European Union and Asia. Our aim is to provide students in Asia with access to a wide range of international assessments, competitions, and challenge opportunities in subjects that spark their interest. Through these platforms, students—regardless of their geographic location—can engage in meaningful academic exchanges with peers worldwide, fostering global connections and sharing their academic achievements.

ASEEDER has exclusive rights under licence to offer ASDAN qualifications and curriculum programmes to centres and young people in the Peoples Republic of China. ASEEDER is entitled to make use of the ASEEDER logo and reaches an agreement on branding with ASEEDER.
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ASEEDER's Vision and Values

Our Purpose

ASEEDER's charitable purpose is: "The advancement of education, by providing opportunities for all learners to develop their personal and social attributes and levels of achievement through ASDAN China awards and resources, and the relief of poverty, where poverty inhibits such opportunities for learners."

Our Mission and Vision

ASEEDER rewards learners' success in a range of skills and settings from Entry level to University entrance.

Our Educational Values

  • Providing opportunities for all to achieve quality education
  • Promoting personal and social development
  • Celebrating systematic and progressive recognition of achievement
  • Promoting assessment for learning
  • Supporting personalized learning

Our Organizational Values

  • People matter:Our aim is to operate ASEEDER as a socially responsible organization, and one which values, supports,uses and develops the skills and talents of all of its staff.
  • Supporting teachers:We aim to work closely with educators in formal and non-formal settings and to support them in their work putting our educational values into practice with learners.
  • Independent:We are not beholden to anyone. We are independent of government and work with all those involved in the education system to achieve our goals.
  • Open:We aim to work without prejudice of any kind, learning from our experiences. We are proud of what we do, and we endeavour to communicate our work clearly and honestly.
  • Accountable: We are responsible to those we exist to serve: learners, teachers, as well as to those who support our work. Professionally and financially, we are sound, scrupulous,efficient and effective.

Development Key Facts


09/2011 ASDAN China was founded in Beijing, its aims is to introduce the best education resources to China, and to help schools build up a skilled-based education system and to advance after-class activities.
10/2011 Introduced the CoPE standard to China. Developed programs fit for Chinese students, through which they could gain 16 UCAS points.
02/2012 ASDAN Mini MBA Program started. Students visit famous establishments to learn how business and government affairs work in the US, the UK and the EU. Today, more than 3,800 students have participated in the Mini MBA program, and 55% of these students have obtained the CoPE certificate and the corresponding 16 UCAS Points.
  • The World Youth Economic Forum (Shanghai) is founded, co-hosted by ASDAN China alongside students from Yale University. This forum is held in August in Shanghai every year, with students invited from all over the world. It has now been running for 6 years, with 4000 participants from more than 20 countries including China, the USA, Switzerland, Germany, the UK, India, South Korea and Japan.
  • Silk Road Adventure Program started, Students from Switzerland, Germany and other European countries with accompanied by Chinese students, travel the Silk Road to explore Chinese culture. This program is held every summer, and more than 800 Chinese and international students have participated in the program.
09/2012 The first ASDAN teachers' conference held in Shanghai and Shenzhen. ASDAN China share with teachers about how to run skill-based activities in school, meanwhile allow teachers to learn from each other. This program was held in every September, and had been running for the past 4 years. Nearly 800 teachers from more than 150 schools attend the conference each year. From 2016 on, in order to involve more teachers, it has evolved to local level happening in move locations and with higher frequency.
10/2012 ASDAN Business Simulation started. ASDAN China held the program with international schools and key schools together nationwide. An advanced business simulation IT system is introduced, with real trading rules running in near-life simulation. 58 simulations have been held so far, with more than 8000 students participating.
02/2013 ASDAN Model United Nations Program started. We organized Chinese high school students to attend the NAIMUN, YMUN, HMUN and MITMUNC. Students participating in the program have the chance to receive the AoPE certificate and obtain 8 UCAS points. Held during the winter holiday, more than 1200 students have participated in the program so far.
03/2013 Key schools start to apply to be ASDAN Center, using ASDAN Programs enrich their in school activities. So far, there are 27 schools become ASDAN Centers.
06/2013 Start to develop an online learning platform for CoPE and AoPE, allowing for better preparation for online education in the future.
08/2014 The first ASDAN Math Tournament (China) is held in Beijing. The competition was co-hosted with SMT organizing committee, firstly introducing the team-based competition into China. More than 700 students from 120 different schools participated.
02/2015 ASDAN International Math Tournament Program started. Chinese high school students are organized to attend the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament and Stanford Math Tournament, with 180 students from 21 different schools participating.
04/2015 ASDAN China form a strategic partnership with the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). ASDAN China introduced the PhysicsBowl for the first time. Nearly 4200 students attended the competition at 59 exam centres spread across 5 competition regions.
07/2015 ASDAN China becomes an official partner of the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). LIYSF is one of the top high school science forums in the world. Students were given the chance to visit advanced labs in famous universities, scientific research institutions and several famous companies.
08/2015 The second ASDAN Math Tournament is held in Beijing. The combined effort of Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Johns Hopkins and UC Berkeley Math Competition Committees for the first time, creating a unique team-based math competition. New exciting math concepts and competition rules were introduced, giving students the chance to enjoy these famous university-led math competitions in China.
  • Partnering with Princeton University Math Competition (PUMaC), we organized students to participate in the US competition.
  • Become official partner with American Regions Mathematics League (ARML), we introduced the ARML Local to Chinese high schools.
  • Cooperating with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), we introduced a team based chemistry competition to China.
03/2016 Become official partner with The Royal Society of Biology (RSB), we introduced the 'British Biology Olympiad' to China, and compete with 7000 British students for medals.
05/2016 Becoming USA biology Olympiad (USABO) as an official partner, we introduced the 'USA biology Olympiad' to China as BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China. Chinese students will compete with 10,000 American students.
  • Working with Oxford Royale Academy as an official partner, we selected top students to attend Oxford Summer School. Students can choose from 23 high quality university classes and study with top students from 91 countries.
  • Working with Stanford university as an official partner, we selected outstanding students to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate International Institute. Students can learn more about Stanford spirit and attend special classes.
  • By working in partnership with New York Film Academy (NYFA), we held the first New York Film Academy Summer Camp in Beijing. It provided 60 students who were interested in film with a great platform from which they made their first micro film of their life.
  • Working with the British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) as an official partner. Chinese and British students will compete together for the top 3 awards. All the papers are graded in the Physics dept. of the University of Oxford.
  • Cooperating with the BPhO, introduced the British Physics Camp into China, run by head coaches from the UK.
08/2016 Inviting Poshen·Loh (the national coach of the USA International Mathematical Olypiad team) as a consultant for the ASDAN Math Tourament, giving teachers and students lectures and instructions about teaching and learning math.
  • Cooperating with Goettingen university on XLAB program from which 45 Nobel laureates graduated from. We selected outstanding students to do experiments in advanced labs.
  • we introduced Berkeley Mini-Math Tournament (China) to provide middle school students with an international math tournament.
  • "BizWorld" camp was introduced into China by ASDAN China. The camp, featuring "Projectbased Learning", is a world-wide recognized project based learning curriculum that was initiated in Silicon Valley. It offers the most systematic and interesting business courses for students in primary and middle schools.
  • Cooperating with Cambridge Immerse Program of Cambridge Summer School, ASDAN started to offer study opportunities with nearly 500 representatives from over 50 countries for students from top Chinese high schools.
  • Cooperating with BPhO (British Physics Olympiad) Committee to introduce Physics Challenge for GCSE and AS-level students, we began to offer opportunities to participate in international physics competitions, where Chinese students can compete for medals with British students, for more age groups.
  • Cooperating with the world's largest 3D printing public welfare community in designing ASDAN public welfare program - Enabling the Future-3D Printing, we give students opportunities to help handicapped children explore the new world with the coolest technology.
  • Confirming cooperation with AMT (Australia Math Trust), we introduced Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) into China for the first time for Primary, Junior High and Senior High school students, offering Chinese students the opportunity to compete with their peers from Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and etc.
  • Confirming cooperation with ACS (American Chemical Society) in introducing USNCO (US National Chemistry Competition), we offer Chinese students opportunities of competing with thousands of American students who are interested in chemistry.
  • Cooperation with MITMUNC in cohosting MITMUNC China, we offer a platform where students will focus on finding creative solutions to hotspot international issues in modern society with science and technology based on MIT's first-rate academic strength in science and engineering.
  • Confirming cooperation with PUPC (Princeton University Physics Competition) Committee in cohosting PUPC (China).
  • Cooperation with XLAB Goettingen program, we started ASDAN XLAB (China) by working with famous Chinese universities/ science institutions to create more opportunities for scientific practices for Chinese high schools students interested in science.
  • Deeply cooperating with AMT in further introducing CAT (Computational and Algorithmic Thinking), which aims to tap students' potential in computer programming, we focus on training students logistic thinking.
  • Partnering with AMT to introduce AIMO (Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad) to Mainland China, we offer opportunities of promotion to participants of AMC.
  • Partnering with BBO (British Biology Olympiad) Committee to further introduce British Biology Challenge for junior high school students, we offer more opportunities for junior high school students to participate in international science competitions.
  • Cooperating with famous Chinese education media NewSchool Insight Media, we successfully hosted "International Quality Education Forum" which aims at providing advanced quality education theories and opportunities for international schools.
to date
  • ASDAN China officially launches "International Elite Summer Camp". A summer camp tailored to school needs, offering a selection of summer activities combined with an ASDAN certification course.
  • ASDAN Global career exploration project launched: Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, London, Switzerland.
  • Exclusive partnership is reached with the "London Institute of Finance LIBF" to operate the LIBF International Financial Challenge and a series of financial courses in China.
  • Partners with the Cambridge University Drama Club. The Cambridge University Drama Club and ASDAN China co-organize a drama camp for Chinese students with interest in drama.
  • A series scientific research projects starts: "XLAB China" project, science and technology public welfare project.
  • The National Teachers Conference renamed to "The First International Quality Education Summit Forum"
  • ASDAN Business Simulation Competition National Finals is held during the "Yale Youth Economic Forum."
  • More than 16,000 students participate in various international quality education programs organized by ASDAN China throughout the year.
  • In 2017, more than 16,000 students participate in ASDAN China’s various international education programs.
  • ASDAN China Chengdu Office is established, extending ASDAN’s reach in the Western region of Mainland China.
  • The ASDAN International Volunteer program is launched in Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Peru, Kenya;
  • A succession of exclusive agreements is reached with top international mathematics, physics, and chemistry competitions: Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (COMC), Australian Intermediate Mathematical Olympiad (AIMO), Canadian Physics Olympiad (CAP), Australian Science Contest (BSC), American Chemistry Contest (USNCO), Canadian Chemistry Contest (CCC), Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (CCO), British Chemistry Olympiad (UKChO), American Computer Science League (ACSL), American National Robotics Challenge (NRC).
  • In 2018, more than 32,000 students participate in ASDAN China’s educational programs.
  • "ASDAN Business Simulation All-Star Competition’ is successfully held during the winter vacation with a total of
  • ASDAN China partners with the "World Scholars Cup" to become the exclusive "World Scholars Cup Regional Competition" representative in China. This partnership also gives ASDAN China the privilege to select outstanding students to participate in the WSC Global competitions and championships.
  • ASDAN becomes the partner organizer of the IAC International Academic Challenge in China.
  • ASDAN partners with the US Testing Service (ETS) "ETS Critical Thinking Challenge."
  • ASDAN signs agreements with a series of top international mathematics, physics, and chemistry competitions: Math Kangaroo, Caribou Maths Competition, Canada Waterloo Physics Sir Isaac Newton Exam (SIN), British Junior High School Physics Y10, British Astronomy and Astrophysics (BAAO), Australian Science Olympiads - Physics (ASOP), You be The Chemist Challenge (YBTC), Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO), Australian Science Olympiads - Chemistry (ASOC), Australian Science Olympiads – Biology (ASOB), Australian Science Olympiads - Earth and Environmental Science (ASOE).
  • In 2019, more than 54,000 students participate in ASDAN China’s educational programmes.
  • With the COVD-19 pandemic, ASDAN China’s programmes are all heavily impacted. As a response, ASDAN China promptly reacts by transforming all its in-person programs to virtual programs. The company innovates and introduces online support teaching and online EPQ courses, online internships and online summer schools. At the epidemic’s peak period (January to August 2020), the company is able to consolidate its digital business capabilities with an increase in number of paid participants; a total of 48,000 participants with more than 95% were online participants.
  • Partners with international mathematics, physics, and chemistry competitions: Australian Science Challenge, Canadian Science Challenge, British intermediate biological thinking challenge, British Biological Olympiad (BBO), American "United Cup" group mathematical thinking challenge, University of Berkeley - Johns Hopkins University Mathematics Competition.
  • Launches the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in China. The EPQ is a qualification that is recommended by the admissions office of G5 universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. The EPQ is also endorsed by dozens of prestigious British universities that may also offer conditional offers on presentation of an excellent EPQ piece. ASDAN is one of the six organizations in the UK that is qualified to issue EPQ certification.
  • More than 96,000 students participate in ASDAN’s educational programs.
Join us

Job Description for Project China Posts

Business development and curriculum/course design

Main tasks:

  1. Contribute to and lead conferences and seminars for education sector staff in China (mainly principals and teachers)
  2. Organise different programmes in China like business simulation events, mathematics tournaments, leadership training, and cultural study trips
  3. Design and deliver personal skills trainings
  4. Coach and assist client schools/organisations with their school/organisation activities
  5. Design and promote different educational programmes based on the market needs
International programme design and management

Main tasks:

  1. Assist with the recruitment of students to the international programmes through liaison with school principals, heads of sections and other key staff
  2. Organise and lead training for schools/staff/students about the international programmes
  3. Lead international programmes in UK/US/Europe (from 4 or 5 day trips, to a two week study tour)
  4. Coach students with their academic research during the study tours
  5. Check portfolios regularly on the trips and support students in completing their work
  6. Assist with the qualification assessment (CoPE and AoPE in particular)
  7. Design and promote new programmes appropriate for international schools

HighLights of the Job

  • A great learning experience in Beijing: our office is close to the 2008 Olympic Park
  • Based in China, but with the opportunity to lead programmes in UK/Europe/USA, as well as travelling to different cities in China
  • An excellent opportunity to learn Chinese in a context where you will be living and working with Mandarin speakers (who are also all pretty fluent in English!)
  • A young, passionate and international team, who make the most of every opportunity!
  • Free accommodation is offered 10 minutes from the office
  • Friendly and creative working environment within a flexible working culture
  • Encouragement for entrepreneurship and creativity: if you can design a programme in your dream country, we will support you with financial back up and human resources!

Person Specification

  • Willingness to commit for at least one year
  • Good organizational and entrepreneurial skills
  • Maturity and international experience
  • Reliable, happy and flexible personality
  • Fluent English (working language is English)
  • Preferred: work experience in a project/business development environment
  • Preferred: degree in Business/Economics
About us


National Service Hotline(Mon. to Sun. 9:00-18:00)

For non-stem programs, please locate 【the region where you study】 and dial the specific number below.
Dial 1>Northern China: Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning、Beijing、Tianjin、Shanxi、Shandong、Hebei、Henan、Inner Mongoria IM;
Dial 2>Eastern China: Shanghai、Jiangsu、Zhejiang;
Dial 3>Southern China: Guangdong、Guangxi、Fujian、Hainan;
Dial 4>Central West: Hubei、Hunan、Anhui、Jiangxi、Chongqing、Sichuan、Guizhou、Yunnan、Shaanxi、Xinjiang、Gansu、Qinghai、Tibet、Ningxia;
Dial 5>Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan regions and beyond