British Biology Olympiad (BBO)
10,000+ Chinese and British students will compete together
Hosted by the UKBC - Independent Registered Charity
Outstanding students will have the opportunity to attend top science programs
Outstanding students will have an advantage when applying for top science universities
Date: Apr. 6, 2025 (Sun.) 14:00-15:30 (90 mins)
BBO China Camp Date: Session 1: Aug. 1-5, 2025; Session 2: Aug. 8-12, 2025

UK Biology Competitions(UKBC) registered as a charity in England and Wales number 1191037 in 2020, after operating as independent group for 26 years with extensive experience in writing biology exams for all ages of secondary school students. Every year, they deliver 3 high quality exams for over 60,000 students.
The British Biology Olympiad was created in 1995, stimulating students with an interest in Biology to expand and extend their talents. It is one of the largest science competitions in the UK with more than 7,200 high school students participating in 2016. Each year an outstanding team of high school students is then selected to represent the UK in the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). It enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded and publicly recognized through the award of medals, certificates and other prizes. It is hoped that by competing in this Olympiad, students who are already interested in this valuable, wide-ranging and rewarding subject will be encouraged to continue their studies beyond A-level.
Official Website:
English and Chinese
Apr. 6, 2025 (Sun.) 14:00-15:30 (90 mins)
Individual written test (no experiment)
High school students
Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution, Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, Ethology, Biosystematics
Paper-based in partnering school
Contest questions
Multiple-choice questions, 90 minutes
Global awards:
- Gold
- Silver
- Bronze
- Highly Commended
- Commended
(For judging the global awards, British competitors will be ranked first by their overall scores creating boundaries for the gold, silver and bronze awards. Competitors from other countries are not ranked together with their British competitors, but are compared by boundary. Chinese competitors with good results will therefore have an increased chance of receiving an award.)
BBO China Camp
Session 1:Aug.1st-5th,2025
Session 2:Aug.8th-12th,2025
Beijing, China (TBD)
Gold Award winners in BBO
Number of Students Enrolled
2 sessions, 60 students per session (limited registration, closed when full)
Registration Details
Includes the exam, proctor fee, grading, part of past-papers (ASDAN doesn't provide any trainings)
Mar. 25, 2025
Exam Centers
ASDAN EPQ Scholarship
Noted:The ASDAN Scholarship is only available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students for participating ASDAN Extended Project Qualification(EPQ). EPQ is recommended by the G5 group and many leading universities as a competitive academic experience. Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash. For further details see:。
We offer some Biology references.
Campbell Biology (International Edition)
Authors: Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson
Publisher: Pearson Education;
Copyright: 2011
Published: 1/6/2011
Print: ISBN-10: 0321739752 | ISBN-13: 978-0321739759
Pages: 1464
Understanding Biology for Advanced Level
Authors: Glenn Toole, Susan Toole
Publisher: Nelson Thornes
Copyright: 1999
Print: ISBN-10: 0748739572 | ISBN-13: 978-0748739578
Pages: 704
Biological Science 1 and 2: v. 1&2 by Taylor, D. J., Green, N. P. O., Stout, G. W. 3rd (third) Edition (1997)
Authors: D. J., Green, N. P. O., Stout, G. W. Taylor
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ASIN: B00CF683H4