British Physics Olympiad (BPhO)

The most competitive national physics Challenge in the UK
Global elites in science compete together for the top awards
Top students who achieve the qualifying score in Round 1
will be invited to participate in the BPhO Round 2
Beneficial for applying science majors in top universities
Opportunity to be invited to the British Physics Camp (China)
BPhO Round 1: Nov. 6, 2024 (Wed.) 17:00-19:40
BPhO Round 2:Feb. 22, 2025 (Sat.) 14:00-17:00
BPhO China Camp Date: Aug.6 - 9, 2025
英国物理测评(British Physics Olympiad,简称BPhO),中国区合作方阿思丹香港(ASEEDER)接到BPhO组委会通知,2025年起中国区BPhO参与名额将严格限制为3500个考位。报名至多开放三个批次,第一批开放给 2025年1月参加英国物理测评(中&高级)IPC&SPC Online 和 2025年3月参加英国物理测评(中&高级) / IPC&SPC 并获得对应奖项的同学,第二批和第三批的开放信息,请您查阅获取详情。

The British Physics Olympiad is a charitable trust overseen by a committee of trustees. It was initiated in 1979,and has been used as a qualifier for selection into the UK Physics Team for the International Physics Olympiad from 1983. The BPhO is hosted by University of Oxford, the Institute of Physics (IOP), and the Odgen Trust with offices located in the physics department of the University of Oxford. All problems are proof-based, so students will need to apply a large range of knowledge, and can choose which question to answer. Top British candidates will have the opportunities to be chosen for the national team.
Since 2016, Chinese and British students will compete together for the top 3 awards. Please note that Chinese students can not represent the UK national team. However, awarded students will have the chance to participate in the British Physics Olympiad Camp (China).
2024 BPhO China Camp
The BPhO Camp aims to develop future physicists by offering different experiment-based learning opportunities. These activities will increase students' interest for exploring physics further. The camp will help improve their key skills in learning physics, such as observation and logical thinking skills. Head coaches from the UK will bring in the most updated learning materials and teaching methods to China. Most are experienced physics professors from top universities such as the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, as well as head teachers from top high schools. We believe this will become one of the most unique physics learning experiences for students in China.
Supported Organizations
The University of Oxford
Institute of Physics (IOP)
the Ogden Trust
Maple Soft
Royal Astronomical Society
Event and training
The University of Cambridge
The University of Oxford
National Physical Laboratory
Texas Instrument
Nov. 6, 2024 (Wed.) 17:00-19:40 (160 minutes for writing the exam)
Qualifying Students
High school students
Individual test
Proof questions
Exam problems
Two sets of problems; Section 1 and Section 2
- Section 1: A maximum of 50 marks can be awarded for Section 1. There is a total of ≈ 84 marks allocated to the problems of Question 1 which makes up the whole of Section 1. (if competitors answer problems totaling more than 50 points, then points from incorrect answers will be ignored and points from correct answers will be added together).
- Section 2: Each question in Section 2 is out of 25, with a maximum of 50 marks from two questions. Competitors only need to choose 2 problems to solve.
- The maximum score for the British Physics Olympiad is 100 points.
The British Physics Olympiad committee focuses on the logic of solving the problem, so for each problem competitors need to give detailed steps proving their answers. If competitors only show the correct answer without their working out, they will not be awarded any points. If competitors write the incorrect answer, but show correct proofs, then they will be awarded points according to the detail of steps shown.
Exam locations
Online test at schools only
- Top Gold
- Gold
- Silver
- Bronze Ⅰ
- Bronze Ⅱ
BPhO China Camp
Aug.6th - 9th,2025
Qualifying Students
Top Gold, Gold Students from BPhO and SPC
Shanghai, China (TBD)
Academic module:
- Research on Physics Problems
- Physics Experimental observation and emonstration
- Physics research
- University of Oxbridge Talk and Mock Interview
BPhO Junior China Camp
Aug. 6 - 9, 2025
Qualifying Students
Top Gold, Gold Students from JPC and lPC
Shanghai, China (TBD)
Academic module:
- Research on Physics Problems
- Physics Experimental observation and emonstration
- Physics research
- University of Oxbridge Talk and Mock Interview
Registration Deadline
- BPhO Round 1 :Oct. 28, 2024
British Physics Olympiad Camp (China)
The Camp aims to develop future physicists by offering different experiment-based learning opportunities. These activities will increase students' interest for exploring physics further. The camp will help improve their key skills in learning physics, such as observation and logical thinking skills. Head coaches from the UK will bring in the most updated learning materials and teaching methods to China. Most are experienced physics professors from top universities such as the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, as well as head teachers from top high schools. We believe this will become one of the most unique physics learning experiences for students in China.
ASDAN EPQ Scholarship
Top Gold&Gold
Bronze I&Bronze II
Noted:The ASDAN Scholarship is only available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students for participating ASDAN Extended Project Qualification(EPQ). EPQ is recommended by the G5 group and many leading universities as a competitive academic experience. Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash. For further details see:。
Exam Centers
BPhO Round 2
BPhO Round 2 Rules
BPhO Round 2 is the last round for the selection of the UK national team,it is a charitable trust overseen by a committee of trustees. BPhO Round 2 is more difficult than the British Physics Olympiad (BPhO Round 1). In the UK, only the top students who achieve the qualifying score in the British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) are invited to participate. Top British candidates will have the opportunities to be chosen for the national team.
Since 2021, Students all over the world will compete together for the awards. Please note that Chinese students can not represent the UK national team. However, award winners will have the chance to participate in the British Physics Olympiad Camp (China).
Date:Feb. 22, 2025 (Sat.) 14:00-17:00
Format:Proof questions
Participants:Top students who achieve the qualifying score in BPhO Round 1
Awards:(The British Organizing Committee marks the papers and evaluates the awards according to the cut-off scores)
• Gold
• Silver
• Bronze
Registration Deadline: Feb. 11, 2025
The students can bring a printed version dictionary.