CAP High School Prize Exam (CAP)
- Introduction
- Challenge Rules
- Requirements
- Sample Problems
Hosted by Canadian Association of Physicists
Premier Canadian Physicics Challenge
Emphasized on logical and creative thinking
Awards are highly recognised by Canadian and North American universities
Based upon an internationally recognized syllabus, the I.B. Physics Higher Core Curriculum
Date: Apr. 12, 2025 (Sat.) 09:30-12:30 (3 hours)

The CAP Prize Exam is hosted by Canadian Association of Physicists. The level of the CAP exam is intentionally high. Only the top students from each school are expected to take part in the exam and only a handful of students in Canada are expected to completely finish the CAP Exam in the time allotted. Past statistics indicate that of the approximately 2,000 students writing the exam each year, the top mark is usually above 80% and 50-100 students nationally score above 50%. The CAP High School Prize Exam is a contest, not a judgement of a student’s classroom performance. It’s looking for the most skilled, best educated physics students. Programmable calculators are not allowed. A number of Universities in Canada recognized top CAP Exam students.
The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) is the voice of Canadian physics. The CAP represents more than 1,700 physicists working in academia, government and industry.
Official website:
Challenge Rules
Apr. 12, 2025 (Sat.) 09:30-12:30
Individual test
Multiple choice and proof-based problems
Paper-based in partnering school (online service application accepted)
Grade 10-12
Global Awards
Since CAP as a pre-activity for forming the Canadian physics national team, Canadian competitors will be ranked first. Competitors from other countries are not ranked together with their Canadian competitors, but are compared by boundaries.
National Awards
- Gold: Top 10%
- Silver: Top 25%
- Bronze: Top 35%
- Regional Honorable awards: Regional top 20%
Includes the exam, grading, proctor fee, past-papers, certificates) (ASDAN doesn't provide any trainings)
Apr. 1, 2025
Exam Centers
ASDAN EPQ Scholarship
Noted:The ASDAN Scholarship is only available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students for participating ASDAN Extended Project Qualification(EPQ). EPQ is recommended by the G5 group and many leading universities as a competitive academic experience. Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash. For further details see:。
Sample Problems

If, for some reason, the student is unable to attend after paying the fee, please contact us. If you apply before the registration deadline, 25% of the registration fee will be deducted as academic materials and service fees. If you apply after the registration deadline, no refund will be given.