Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT)
Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT)
CAT - The First Step for Math Enthusiasts into AI

Hosted by the AMT since 2014 - one of the world's leading authorities in math
Over 100,000 students from more than 30 countries and regions parricipate each year
Emphasize computational and algorithmic thinking
Build foundation for advanced computer science & math skills, intro to International Olympiad in Informatics
The Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), founded by renowned Australian mathematician Peter O'Halloran, is one of the internationally respected academic institutions and the organizer of prestigious mathematical challenges such as the AMC and the AIO.
The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT), sponsored by the AMT, aims to meet the globally growing demand for computational thinking and algorithmic skills. It cultivates students' logical thinking, computational thinking, and algorithmic problem-solving abilities, which are crucial skills for future careers in computer science, engineering, and data science.Since its inception in 2014, CAT has a decade-long historr and has attracted over 500,000 primarr and secondarr school students worldwide. Each year, more than 100,000 students from over 30 countries and regions worldwide enroll, with signiffcant inffuence parricularly in Australia, the Asia-Paciffc region, Europe, and
Norrh America.
What is Computational Thinking?
What is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves breaking down complex problems, abstracting them, and transforming them into forms that can be processed by computers.
As a fundamental thinking skill in the intelligent age, computational thinking is receiving increasing attention in the ffeld of education. The international education trend is moving towards embracing the 3R (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic) + CT (Computational Thinking) educational model. In China, the newly released Compulsorr Education Curriculum Program and Standards 2022 also emphasizes the imporrance of computational thinking as one of the four core competencies in the information technology curriculum.
Unlike programming challenges, CAT questions focus on logic, patterns, sequences, and algorithmic thinking. By emphasizing problem-solving through mathematical methods and cultivating computational thinking in the process, CAT is accessible to students with no prior programming experience.
What abilities can students improve by cultivating computational thinking?
Breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parrsPattern Recognition
Recognizing and applying similar patterns and features in different contextsAlgorithmic Thinking
Developing a series of step-bystep solutions to the problemAbstraction
Extracting the most relevant information from each decomposed problem for better understanding and problem-solvingLogical Reasoning
Using logic to derive conclusions and validate solutionsCAT Sample Questions
CAT Level A:1-2年级
CAT Level B:3-4年级
CAT Level C:5-6年级
CAT Level D:7-8年级
CAT Level E:9-10年级
CAT Level F:11-12年级
Challenge Rules
English & Chinese
Difffculty:There are six levels
● Level A: Grade 1-2
● Level B: Grade 3-4
● Level C: Grade 5-6
● Level D: Grade 7-8
● Level E: Grade 9-10
● Level F: Grade 11-12
May 25, 2025 (Sun.) 10:00-11:00
Paper-based in parrnering school (online serrice application accepted)
- Individual test
- 6 different levels suitable for students from Grade 1-12
The paper consists of 9 questions. 1-6 are multiple choice questions, each question is worrh 3 points; 7-9 are fill in the blank questions, each question contains 3 subquestions,each sub-question requires the student to submit an answer of an integer from 0-999 by calculating, each subquestionis worrh 2 points, the total score is 36 points
Global Awards (Each level will be awarded separately)
- High Distinction
- Distinction
- Credit
Note: Based on the score line of the committee
National Awards
- Honorable Mention: Top 20% excluding global award recipients
Registration Details
Includes the exam, grading, proctor fee, past-papers, cerriffcates
* Priced in HKD. The RMB price varies with the exchange rate.
Registration Deadline
May 13, 2025
The students can bring the printed version dictionary.
If, for some reason, the student is unable to attend after paying the fee, please contact us. If you apply before the registration deadline, 25% of the registration fee will be deducted as academic materials and service fees. If you apply after the registration deadline, no refund will be given.