HUGEM Innovation Challenge英文官网

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- 自主准备:已报名的同学可根据所选课程自主进行语言及知识准备
- 签证办理:由阿思丹代办签证的同学需按要求按时提交相关材料,自主办理的同学请在项目开始前完成签证办理并获得有效签证
- 行前说明会:根据通知参加行前说明会,了解出行及项目期间注意事项
- 加入项目群:项目开始前,报名同学将被邀请进入项目群,方便沟通项目相关信息
6. 更多机会
HUGEM Innovation Challenge
Grades:6-9 (Middle school students)
Tracks:Biology & Medicine, Business & Entrepreneurship, Urban Economics, Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Architectural Design, Engineering, Psychology & Behavioral Economics, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
Sign upHUGEM Innovation Challenge
Qualifier Round
November 2023 - March 2024
Turn Innovative ideas into proposal & video, Online submission & evaluation

HUGEM Innovation Challenge
August 2024,Shanghai China
Innovative Thinking Camp
HUGEM Innovation Challenge
Innovation Week Experience at Harvard campus
Welcome letter
《Invitation Letter》
Presidnet of HUGEM
Dear Delegates,
Last year, we were so inspired by all of the ideas and excitement that all the participants brought and we can’t wait to host the conference again this year!
By participating in one of eight tracks—Biology &Medicine, Business & Entrepreneurship,Urban Economics,EnvironmentalEngineering,Architectural Design, Engineering, Psychology & Behavioral Economics, and Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence-you will have ample opportunities to dive deep into a knowledge area that interests you.Our conference also aims to provide our participants with networking opportunitiesthrough virtual meals with Harvard alumni, Harvard undergraduate student-led college panels, information on Harvard graduate and professional schools, and virtual social events.
Please be on the lookout for additional information from ASDAN regarding how to apply and deadlines. In fact, you will all get the opportunity to start exploring innovation a little earlier this year!.
We look forward to meeting and innovating with you next summer!
About Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement (HUGEM)
HUGEM Innovation Challenge is held by the Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement (HUGEM) , a Harvard student organization that enables Harvard students to host an global programs that help shape the innovators of tomorrow. This event has been successfully held in China, Singapore, Dubai, India, Southeast Asia and many countries in Europe.
HUGEM official website:
HUGEM Innovation Challenge(China) official website:
HUGEM Innovation Challenge
About HUGEM Innovation Challenge
The HUGEM Innovation Challenge aims to shape the innovative thinking of the future in all fields. Also encouraging students around the world to find inspiration in everyday life and social issues, exploring relevant areas of knowledge, and developing practical skills for their future careers are purposes of the HUGEM Innovation Challenge. At the HUGEM Innovation Challenge, you will learn from the best minds around the world, form networks with experts from Harvard, and transform your knowledge into concrete impact.
HUGEM and ASDAN China is devoted to work together to run an in person HUGEM Innovation Challenge conference in China, inviting middle school students keen at innovation to participate. The best innovation proposals at the conference would be shared with wider community and make bigger impact. Learn to use "Design Thinking" as a tool to innovate in different fields and become a Thinker of Tomorrow!
Student Interviews & Moments
Student Interview and Moments
Why HUGEM Innovation Challenge
Why HUGEM Innovation Challenge?
Global Innovation Event
Student Chairs from Harvard
Self-driven Exploration of tracks
Official certificates of completion
Study Guide
Publication of top proposals
Meet you in the Harvard
Eight Major Academic Fields
Optional Tracks

01 Biology & Medicine

02 Business & Entrepreneurship

03 Urban Economics

04 Environmental Sciences& Engineering

05 Architectural Design


07 Psychology & Behavioral Economics

08 Computer Science & Arifcial Intelligence
Timeline of the HUGEM Innovation Challenge Rounds
01.Select Your Track
You can select one or more tracks(maximum three selection).

02.Apply for HUGEM Innovation Challenge(Qualifier Round)
November 2023, students apply to participate in the HUGEM Innovation Challenge qualifier round and receive the submission channel.

03.Submit innovative video & proposals
You would finish the academic research, topic selection, follow the study guide to submit innovative video and proposals as required.The deadline is March 31st, 2024.

04.Evaluating by the chairs
March 2024, Student Chairs from Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement will evaluate video and innovative proposals and selected the top participants.

05.Join the HIC(China) & HIC(Global)
The top 75% participants of the qualifier round will travel to Shanghai to join the HUGEM Innovation Challenge(China).Students who have won individual or team awards in HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China) will be invited to participate in HUGEM Innovation Challenge (Global).

Application Information
HUGEM Innovation Challenge(Qualifier Round)
Application Information:
- Grades:6-9 (Middle school students)
- Participating format:Participating format: Participate as an individual, online submission
- Promotion rules:Top75% students of the qualifier round will be invited to participate in the HUGEM
- Innovation Challenge
Participation process:
- 1.Scan the QR code to sign up
- Students will recieve the HUGEM Innovation Challenge study guide and submission channel through e-mail.
- Deadline of application & submiting proposals and video is March 31, 2024
- Proposals and video will be evaluated by the HUGEM Innovation Challenge chiars.The final list of awards will be published by email.
* Judging will take place after submission of innovative proposals and video. It is expected to take 1 month. The actual judging time will be based on the number of proposals and videos received.
Qualifer round submission requirements
- Students are required to complete the conception and production of videos and proposals independently. Plagiarism, handling, AI writing and other cheating behaviors are not allowed;
- The documents must include two parts: video and proposals. The specific requirements are as follows:
(1)350 words limit
- video shoud include three parts:
- Explore the real problems around the selected innovation track;
- ✓Use innovative thinking to propose unique and feasible solutions;
- ✓a brief overview of the implementation of the solution steps;
- Appropriate words, clear logic, fluent sentences, no grammatical errors and relevant literature citations must be attached (this part is not included in the words count);
(3)Please submit in pdf format.
(1)1 minute
(2)Language: English
- Use persuasive language to explain the importance of the real problem you have identified and where innovative thinking has been applied to your proposed solution;
- There is no requirements of Screen scale and video presentation formats. If you choose to record the speaking by yourself, you should expose half or the whole body in the screen. Also keep the recording space full of light and the quiet surrounding; If you choose to record from the third person perspective, such as drawing, slide presentation, real scene shooting, etc., you must keep the picture clear and stable;
- Please use your own voice, do not use other people's voice (except dialogue and interview) or system to generate voice.
- (4)Please submit in mp4, mov and other commonly used video formats. The size limit is controlled within 50MB. If your video is too large, it is recommended to use compression software to upload.
Special note
- Participating students can choose one or more tracks to participate in the challenge. Each track can only be submitted once. In the case of multiple submissions, the chairs will only evaluate the first version submitted;
- Please complete the submission of the video and proposals on time. The documents submitted after the deadline will not be allowed to enter the evaluation process;
- If the documents submitted by the student cannot be opened, Asdan will contact the student to make up the submission. Please make up the submission within the required time, otherwise, it will be regarded as an abstention.
Awards Setting
Individual Awards
• The Second Prize (top 35%)
• The Third Prize (Top 50%)
• The Excellence Prize (Top 75%)
* Top75% students of the qualifier round will be invited to participate in the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China).
Participating Awards
*Students who complted and submitted proposal and video as required on time can obtain the completion certificate.
HUGEM Innovation Challenge(China)
The Top75% students in the qualifier roundwill be invited to participate in the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China) in Shanghai in August 2024. At that time,The chairs from the Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement will lead students to learn more about innovative thinking. Through case studies and other activities,students are trained to use innovative thinking models to solve real-world problems in their tracks.
Students will take advantage of innovation as the tool used by the world's top innovators in real industry challenges.In addition, students will be inspired by different challenges, expand thinking skills, and enhance their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Top students will have the opportunity to win admission to the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (Global). They will visit Harvard campus and communicate with outstanding innovator from all over the world.
Application Information:
- Location: Shanghai,China
- Grades:6-9 (Middle school students).Top75% students of the qualifier round will be invited to participate in the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China).
- Language: English
- Optional Tracks:Biology & Medicine, Business & Entrepreneurship, Urban Economic, Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Architectural Design, Engineering, Psychology & Behavioral Economics, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
*Students need to select the same track as the HUGEM Innovation Challenge(Qualifier Round).
Awards Setting
Individual awards: The percentage of winners is about 30%
• Distinguished Delegates
• Honorable Mention
Group Awards:TOP1 team for each track
Participating Awards:
* Students who complete all schedules of the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China) and participate in the final presentation of the final proposal will be awarded.The final award setting and award results are determined by the track leaders from Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement.
Sample Schedule
Morning | Afternoon | Evening | |
DAY1 | Arrival | Registration | |
DAY2 | Opening ceremony | Design thinking Workshop | Welcome night |
Keynote Speaker | |||
Experience about innovation challenges | |||
DAY3 | Committee session | Case Study | |
Case Study | Group Project | ||
DAY4 | Committee session | Group Project | Preparation and College Readiness |
Presentation of the Proposal | |||
DAY5 | Committee session | Group Project
Track leaders provide academic guidance |
Group Project |
Case Study | |||
DAY6 | Group Final Presentation and Q&A | Group Final Presentation and Q&A | Talent Show |
Awarding ceremony | |||
DAY7 | Students leave |
*Schedule may change at the discretion of HUGEM.
*The faculty is subject to change.






Key Session Descriptions
In the HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China), chairs will bring both of academic and social sessions for students.Students will experience the original Harvard innovative curriculum and a variety of exploration activitiesto enhance independent thinking skills, problem solving skills and teamwork which can help students develop the skills they need for the future.。


Case Study


Presentation of the Proposal

Design Thinking Workshop

Group Project

Committee Session

Preparation and CollegeReadiness
HUGEM Innovation Challenge(Global)
Location:Harvard University
Participants:Individual and Team Award winners of the 2024 HUGEM Innovation Challenge (China)
* Please follow Asdan official account for follow-up information.
— Student Works —

Social Science Track
Helping Elders Stay Connected by using convenient electronic devices

Biology & Medicine Track
Reducing Medication Non-Adherence in the Elderly Population

— Messages from 2023 HIC(China)” —
我很喜欢这次的 Solving Problem Project部分的课程,让我了解了更多的环境问题以及其解决方案的多样性,对未来的专业选择很有启发,我更清晰的了解了关于 environmental engineering的相关学术知识,有坚定未来申请 Environmental Engineering,同时也会考虑生化环材。
——成都七中国际部 @Zitian
很喜欢 Case Study的内容,讲到了许多真实详细的事例、在介绍现实中实际采取的措施之前,导师会让我们自己先思考会如何解决事例中提到的问题,然后小组讨论对应的解决方案,这是非常有意思的一件事,可以激发大家的思维碰撞,从而获得更好的想法。感谢所有的老师,带来了这么精彩的课程和活动,是我参加过的最有趣的夏令营。
——北京市第三十五中学 @Sijing
——香港加拿大国际学校 @Wendy
喜欢我们 brainstorming解决医院噪声的环节,非常有趣!
——上海浦东新区民办惠立学校 @charlotte
Case Study很有意思!收到了许多经济与城市规划的知识!
——北京第八十中学国际部 @Joyce
Before I attended HIC, I thought this program would be rigorous and tough, and the teachers would be itimimdating, but soon as the program stared, it was such a refreshing experience. Our teachers and track leaders were super nice and patient, our fellow campers were studious and genial,and the overall atmosphere is tremendous. For our group project, our topic was to solve China's Eldercare Problem. I am sure that for any problem I encounter in the future, I am able a apply some skills I have learned from HIC, and become a better decision maker.
——成都市郫都区华爱学校融合部 HIA @Rachel
I liked the group activities the most. Most of my really good friends I made were from working together in those activities. When we worked together, not only did we listen and suggest ideas, we also got to know each other from having random conversations and getting to know each other better. I feel like I learned to better communicate and leadership. From the shor time of working together for the fnal project, I learned that coming up with good solutions is from listening to everone’s ideas, and then combining them into a better one. I learned it’s imporant for everone to contribute, and if you have a really good idea, don’t be afraid to tell your teammates. I think I improved in confdence and teamwork, our group all listened to each other equally and enjoyed working together.
Thank you, everone was really nice.——武汉爱莎外籍人员子女学校 @Iris
Design Thinking是我以前没有接触过的,了解后真的很喜欢!
——上海金山杭州湾双语学校 @Jessie
Contact Us
North China
Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Neimenggu
Ms. Ou
South China:
Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Fujian, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas
South China:
Guangdong(Except Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Zhuhai), Guangxi,Hainan
East China:
Shanghai, Jiangsu
East China:
West China:
Sichuan, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xizang, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Xinjiang, Jiangxi