Physics Unlimited Premier Competition (PUPC)
An open-ended exploration organized by Physics Unlimited
Contents may include material in classical mechanics and beyond
Improve students'logical thinking skills
An international competition with global ranking
Beneficial for applying science majors in top universities
Date:Nov. 2, 2024 (Sat.) 9:30-11:00 (90 mins)

Physics Unlimited Premier Competition (PUPC) is an individual exam containing several advanced mechanics problems. The exam challenges students to think out of the box and to apply their knowledge at a deeper level than in conventional high school physics problems. Physics Unlimited provides opportunities for students to learn physics and math while exhibiting their problem solving skills. The primary mission of this non-profit organization is to make physics education and enrichment more accessible for students across the world, and it is dedicated to overseeing both onsite and online events. The Physics Unlimited Premier Competition is organized by Physics Unlimited. Students at all global sites compete on the same papers, resulting in both combined and site-specific sets of rankings.

Nov. 2, 2024 (Sat.) 9:30-11:00(90 mins)
Paper-based in partnering school
Individual test(English)
Qualifying Students
High school students

Visit the global website for details:
Global Awards
Honorable Mention
National Awards
First/Second/Third Place
Honorable Mention (China)
Note: Awards are determined by the score boundaries that year.
ASDAN EPQ Scholarship
Noted:The ASDAN Scholarship is only available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students for participating ASDAN Extended Project Qualification(EPQ). EPQ is recommended by the G5 group and many leading universities as a competitive academic experience. Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash. For further details see:。
Includes the exam, proctor fee, grading, past-papers, certificates, offline reference materials / one-time online mock test, etc. (ASDAN doesn't provide any trainings)
Registration Deadline
Oct. 22, 2024
Exam Centers
Physics Unlimited Explorer Competition (PUEC)
Physics Unlimited Explorer Competition
Physics Unlimited Explorer Competition (PUEC) is an physics explorer competition for all high school students, organized by Physics Unlimited. Every year, hundreds of high school-level students from around the globe form teams and compete by responding to an open-ended research-based assignment containing questions inspired by groundbreaking discoveries in physics, and submit their work after a two week-long period in the form of a report. This event is called the Physics Unlimited Explorer Competition.
Time: June. 2024 (TBD)
Participants:Grade 10-12
Duration:4 weeks
Scoring:Students participating in the competition may only correspond with members of their team. Absolutely and unequivocally, no other form of human correspondence is allowed. Participating students are barred from posting content or asking questions related to the exam on the internet,and moreover, they are unequivocally barred from seeking the solution to any of the exams’ parts from the internet or another resource.Students are allowed to use Computational Software, e.g. Mathematica ,Matlab, Python, whenever they deem it appropriate.Of course, teams must clearly indicate that they have used such software. Additionally, the judges reserve to right to deduct points for the use of computational software where the solution may be obtained simply otherwise.
Format:All submissions, regardless of formatting, should include a cover page listing the title of the work, the date, and electronic or scanned signatures of all team participants.The work must be submitted as a single PDF document with the “.pdf” extension.we recommend that teams use a typesetting language (e.g. LATEX) or a wordprocessing program . Handwritten solutions are allowed, but we reserve the right to refuse grading of any portion of a team’s submission in the case that the writing or solution is illegible.All teams must submit their solutions by emailing.
Awards:(Unified global ranking)
• First place
• Second Place
• Third Place
• Honorable mention
Deadline:Before the global Organizing Committee closes the submission channel
The students can bring a printed version dictionary.