International Science Bee
International Science Bee
The world's most popular World Science Carnival
Primary · Junior · Senior
Qualifier Round: Nov. 2024 - Mar. 2025

International Science Bee
The International Science Bee is an academic science challenge sponsored by the International Academic Competitions Committee. As one of the most prestigious integrated academic competitions in the US. Consisting of Qualifying Stages, Regional Finals, and a Divisional Championships, competing students have a chance to put their science knowledge to use against other students in their respective age divisions in an engaging quiz tournament setting. Featuring fun, multidisciplinary challenges, and education activities backed by cutting-edge research, International Science Bee has been increasingly popular around the world, attracting over 50,000 students from more than 50 countries to take part every year.
The mission of the International Science Bee is to reward academic achievement by bringing innovative, stimulating, fair, and intellectually competitive opportunities to students worldwide. The Committee firmly believes that academic competitions play a unique role in education by encouraging students to explore new areas of knowledge while rewarding achievement in the classroom. Academic competitions not only help students gain self-confidence, make new friends, enhance memory, and give students an edge on future college applications, but most importantly, ignite a passion for lifelong learning! We would like to offer this unique opportunity to children around the world!
Questions may cover any discipline in the field of science including, but not limited to, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, earth science, astronomy, computer science, non-computational mathematics, and the history of science.
Hosting countries and regions
International Science Bee provides a platform for science lovers from around the world to showcase their talents, attracting over 50,000 students from thousands of schools in over 50 countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania each year!


Qualifier Round
- Date:
- Round1: Nov. 16, 2024 14:00-14:30
Round2: Dec. 14, 2024 16:00-16:30
Round3&4: Feb. 16, 2025 14:00-14:30
Round5: Mar. 15, 2025 14:00-14:30
- Location: Online
- Language:
- Elementary & Middle School: English or Chinese
- Junior Varsity & Varsity: English
* Only English group can advance to the Global Round (the Global Round will be held overseas). Students enrolled in the Chinese group can only advance to the National Round, but not to the Global Round. You cannot change your group after registration.
- Rules: All exams consist of 50 multiple-choice questions, and students have 30 minutes to take each exam. Each correct answer will receive 2 points. An incorrect answer will receive -1 points, and an answer left blank receives zero points.
- Division: Students should register for the following divisions according to their age.
- Elementary Division: born on or after September 1, 2012
- Middle School Division: born between September 1, 2010, and August 31, 2012
- Junior Varsity Division: born between September 1, 2008, and August 31, 2010
- Varsity Division: born on or before August 31, 2008
- Awards:
- All students who qualify for advancement will receive a qualifier e-certificate.
- All participating students will receive a participation e-certificate.
- Standards: Qualifying scores will be determined by the results of all students who take the exam. Qualified students can compete in the National Round.
Qualified students from the Qualifier Round will be invited to participate in the National Round!
National Round
- Date: May 1-4, 2025 (4 days)
- Location: Shanghai, China
- Language:
- Elementary & Middle School: English or Chinese
- Junior Varsity & Varsity: English
* Only English group can advance to the Global Round (the Global Round will be held overseas). Students enrolled in the Chinese group can only advance to the National Round, but not to the Global Round. You cannot change your group after registration.
- Team Size: Teams of 4 participants
- Challenges:
- International Science Bee Quiz
Unlock the buzzer-based quiz experience that is popular around the world! Feel the blood boil every time you press the buzzer, use your geography knowledge base, and enjoy the charm of academic quiz! Are you ready to buzz in? - Science Bazaar
Unleash your creativity! Each team crafts a mind-blowing "Chemistry-themed Microfilm" based on the yearly theme. Showcase your masterpiece and share insights during the Science Bazaar, where inspiration flows like a river! - Crazy Elements Show
Brace yourself for a spectacular display of chemistry's wild side! Elements dance, colors explode, and liquids transform in an instant. Immerse yourself in the mad world of elements – a show you won't forget! - Scientist's Theater
Following the step of the Chinese scientists as they unveil the mysteries of science in a unique and captivating way. Get ready for an enthralling journey through time and space! - Treasure Hunt
The cosmic king has scattered gems across every corner, and it's your mission to find them! Navigate through different science challenges set by guardians, testing not just your wisdom but also your teamwork. - Chemical Artist
Immerse yourself in a creative odyssey where chemistry meets art! Use clever techniques to create one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Unveil the surprises as each fabric unfolds – an adventure in every
stroke! - Science Holmes
How much do you really know about the vast world of science? This is a personal challenge where answers unfold based on clues. Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping adventure that will expand your scientific horizon!
- International Science Bee Quiz
- Awards:
- Individual Awards
● “Science Bee Quiz” Top 3,Gold Award,Silver Award,Bronze Award in each division.
● Science Holmes: Top 3,Gold Award,Silver Award,Bronze Award in each division.
● All participants will receive a certificate of participation for the All Star Round. - Team Awards
● Science Bazzar:Top 30%
- Individual Awards
1. IGB 地理知识竞答挑战 Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bee/Bowl 的学习方式源于美国,是一种通过抢答和回答问题来进行的学术活动,因其刺激的抢答方式,及鼓励自主探究的学习方式,受到了全球中小学生的喜爱! IGB 世界地理学术竞答挑战考核形式为个人抢答积分赛,学生在听到题目后通过抢答器进行抢答,答对得分。该挑战分为三轮预赛及一轮冠军赛,所有报名同学将参与三轮预赛,预赛中的优胜者有资格参与冠军赛。
* 组委会将提供学术材料
** 该挑战中各组别英文场得分前 50% 晋级全球轮
2. 世界地理长廊 World Georgraphy Fair
从大气、水、岩石、土壤、森林湖泊,到神奇壮丽的地貌风景,再到国家分布、地形分布,地理文化就在我们身边的每个角落。“世界地理长廊”环节鼓励参与者发挥创造力,选取自己最感兴趣、印象深刻的地理现象,采用手工 DIY、影像、数字化展示等形式,展示地理与艺术!每一份作品背后,都将传递大自然的鬼斧神工,告诉我们地理有多酷!
3. 地理科学馆 Mini Museum
*IGB 全国赛的参与选手将在世界地理长廊与地理科学馆两个项目中选择其一参与。
4. 世界地理剧场 Geography Drama
当地理不再是枯燥的文字,而是生动的表演,亦或是朗朗上口的音乐,你的脑海中会浮现什么?“世界地理剧场”提供给“戏精 + 地理达人”表演舞台,通过多人合作,共同完成一项地理话题展示,将地理变得更有趣,更生动!地理达人舞台秀,请就位!
5. 寻宝活动 Scavenger Hunt
想象自己是加勒比的 Jack Sparrow 船长,终会找到金矿;想象自己是新世界的海贼王,终有一天在大海中自由徜徉。那么,你是否想像得到自己手持“密钥”,通向地理寻宝的终极之旅?“寻宝活动”将设置刺激有趣的通关关卡及谜题,地理达人们将凭借自己的地理知识储备,团队智慧与勇气,过五关斩六将,奋力达到目的地,成功寻宝!
6. “同一个世界”团队挑战 One world
Registration Details
Includes the exam, grading, proctor fee, cerifcates.(ASEEDER doesn't provide any trainings)
Qualifier Round: 6 days before the each challenge starts
National Round: TBD
If, for some reason, the student is unable to attend after paying the fee, please contact us. If you apply before the registration deadline, 25% of the registration fee will be deducted as academic materials and service fees. If you apply after the registration deadline, no refund will be given.